
Docker Swarm (Part 2)

Introduction In the previous post, we ‘ve learned how to create a cluster of machines using Docker Swarm, and how to ask Swarm to run 2 instances of Nginx on those machines.In this post, we will learn how to run our custom applications on the cluster. We ‘re going to implement two services using Go, one of them is fontend service and the other is backend service. The user can interact only with frontend service.

Say Hello to Docker Swarm

Say Hello to Docker Swarm (part 1) In this tuturial I want to show you, how you can create cluster of machines using Docker Swarm and how to run your services on docker swarm.I assume you have basic knowledge of Docker.On part 2, we will implement our services on Golang, and will run them on docker swarm, so stay tuned. Install Docker Machine In this tutorial I use docker-machine to simulate physical machines.